Sunday, September 30, 2007

Day 43: Virtue!

So, halfway thru, and at the end point of my callback interviews. A good time to cut the crap, put my head down and f'ing work my butt off. That is the plan. These last few weeks have been ROUGH and by the end of the week I'm generally chowing down chips and skipping workouts. Last week was particularly bad for skipping workouts, though not quite as bad on eating too much.

Goals for this week:
1. Don't skip any workouts!! I don't know when the last time was when I went a whole week without skipping a single one.

2. Don't drink! I've been drinking way too much the last 2 weeks and it has got to stop. Drinking (especially when combined with exxxtreme stress like this past weekend) leads to my face in a bag of goldfish crackers (so not vegan)! I'm going off the sauce for almost 2 weeks, from now until my West Virginia trip a week from Thursday. At which point I will be doing as many cheap whiskey shots as my poor ravaged liver can stand. Or, like, having classy cocktails with my favorite ladies.

3. Eat all the awesome veggies I just bought, and not have to throw any rotten stuff away! Here is a short list of what I just bought on the way home from the gym: cauliflower, tomatoes, spaghetti squash, zucchini, asparagus, carrots, pears, sweet potato, baby arugula. Holy crap, that's so many awesome veggies! Eat them up, while they are still pristine and delicious.

Today's plan
m1: kashi go-lean crunch w/frozen blueberries
m2: almonds, apple
m3: 2 soydogs, 2 slices of sprouted bread
workout: HIIT, LISS
m4: soy protein shake
m5: veggieloaf, roasted cauliflower
m6: veggieloaf, roasted cauliflower

Oh I also bought that Skinny Bitch book, which I went back and forth about for a while but ultimately bought it because hey, I'm already a vegan, so why not read something that vindicates and solidifies my existing beliefs about food? Oy. It is an interesting read, and does have a lot of foul language, as advertised. And it makes me feel thoroughly disgusting about the (ugh!) turkey that I ate while sad-drunk the other night as well as the delicious delicious mozzarella I had at lunch on Friday. And it is definitely strengthening my resolve about veganism, giving up soda and eating more fruit. So, plus one for Skinny Bitch although I'm not sure I'd go vegan just because of being bullied by these pretty girls with dirty mouths, if I wasn't convinced already.

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