Monday, October 1, 2007

Day 44: Not bad

Well, yesterday was a relative success - or, really, a total success since I did my workout, ate all my planned meals, and went to bed almost on time. The less successful part is getting school work done. You win some, you lose some.

And then this morning I got up early(ish) and went to the gym around 7:15, for the first time in probably 2 weeks. I didn't get there in time to do LISS, but I banged out a very respectable UBWO, then hustled home to shower and have breakfast, which is where I am right now.

I read all of Skinny Bitch yesterday, and I must say, it has nothing to do with becoming a skinny bitch and everything to do with eating an organic, vegan diet. And says as much, on the very last page. I just kept waiting for the chapter that would be "oh, also, limit your calories." They advise that you just have a big plate of fruit for breakfast and a veggie salad for lunch, but then in their little menu plan all the breakfasts and lunches are made of tofu and bread, or something like that.

My goal for this week is to get back down my lowest (recent) weight by Friday, to be achieved by the resolutions I made yesterday - not drinking, not missing any workouts and eating loads of good veggies. Before I leave for West Virginia next week I'd really like to be seeing a new low. I just have to put my head down and work - on school stuff, on exercise, on sticking to the diet plan. Just push through.

workout: UBWO
m1: kashi, frozen blueberries
m2: apple, almonds
m3: hummus & veggie sandwich, carrots
m4: soy protein shake
m5: sweet potato, cauliflower and tempeh (steamed and doused with salsa)
m6: same as m5

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