Sunday, September 2, 2007

Day 15: Date Night

I managed to maintain in Boston, though I did miss one workout, my lower body lifting on Friday. I walked/jogged 4 miles with my dad on Saturday though, and I'm not going to sweat the lifting workout. What isn't great is that the reason I missed it was because I was up late and drinking way too much Thursday night, so when the alarm went off at 6 am I said "ABSOLUTELY NOT."

I'm kind of frustrated at how hard it is to keep this going right now. The hardest part has to do with drinking. It's hard for me not to do it, and when I do it I want to go out and hit the town hard. It's a problem - when I drink I want to drink a lot. If I don't do it, I don't miss it (I miss the social aspect, but not the feeling). But at least I've gotten over the drunk munchies problem. That hasn't been an issue in a long time, and I have it firmly lodged in my head that there can be no eating off plan, I just can't get myself to buy into the idea that there can be no drinking off plan. There's the extra calories in the alcohol (4 beers, a shot and a vodka soda last night = a hell of a lot of calories I didn't need), and then I don't get up at the right time and the next day I feel all off track.

So, be that as it may, the new obstacle for today is that I am going on a date, with a guy who I met last night, a friend-of-friend-of-friend situation. In the last few weeks I've been feeling pretty awesome about being single, which of course is the time when people converge on you and want to tie you down, eh? I hope that I don't become the latest in a series of girls who makes this guy's life difficult, since he kind of seems like the type, but maybe we can date and have a good time together while I also feel free to pursue other things. Anyway, he is super sweet and we'll see where it goes, and we're going to my favorite little vegan place in the city, and I will just do my best not to order the deep fried "soy sensation," which is a frequent choice there for me. I will order something relatively light, I won't eat it the whole thing. I am not going to stress out about this. Weekends are tough and I'm going to have to just push through them and maintain total control during the week when it's not hard.

Aside from that, on the docket today are a HIIT workout, a bit of lower impact cardio, hopefully a trip to Trader Joe (might have to wait til tomorrow) and homework! I can't believe it's homework time already. Actually, I can, because I have read all of 4 pages and now I'm posting on here, so that's pretty typical. I still need to buy most of my books, which I really hope are at the bookstore today since otherwise Tuesday could be a rough day.

Meals today:
M1: kashi cereal, blueberries
M2: hummus & tomato sandwich, carrot sticks
M3: almonds, pear
M4: protein shake
M5: ?? something very light and high-fiber at home
M6: ?? at restaurant

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