Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Day 31: Come On Now

Yesterday was bad news. I didn't change my meal plan to accommodate those extra calories at lunch, and then after the gym K came over and we had martinis. And sugar snap peas. And then I was drunk and I needed to have a bagel. Ugh! I am up 3 lb today and I know that I can get rid of that if I can just get myself entirely back on track. And did I mention that I didn't work out this morning? The plan now is to go after my journal meeting, which would be somewhere between 10 and 11. This is ok, but it means it's going to be hard to get up early tomorrow, and I need to get there early to do weights effectively.

So, today is going ok so far aside from pushing my workout back till late tonight. I just had breakfast (kashi, blueberries, coffee) and bought a lb of coffee at Starbucks. My wonderful roommate gets up and makes coffee almost every day, which I really enjoy, although he's going out of town tomorrow so I guess I'll have to make it for my lazy self. You know what that means - naked party in my apartment!

Plan for today: spend the morning getting a ton of reading done; eat all my meals EXACTLY as planned; no "noshing" while making meals; go to class; go to more class; HIIT and LISS at le gym late this evening. And then straight to bed so I can get my act together tomorrow and work out early!

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