Saturday, September 22, 2007

Day 35: 7 weeks down

I'm really disappointed in myself about the way this week went. Yesterday was my designated cheat day, largely because I was too hungover to do things like grocery shopping or responsible cooking. So I ate Chinese leftovers for lunch, Korean food (tasty and healthy, but a lot of it) for dinner, then had a few drinks and a bagel when I came home. Those bastardly bagels are evil. However, I ended up walking a lot in the evening since I am retarded and assumed that my train just wasn't running, which in retrospect it was probably just running on the other track. I had to pee so badly! It was a 15 block walk of anger and worrying that this would be the night when I peed my pants right on Broadway in front of people I go to school with.

Anyway. I am on track today, and making do with the food I've got in the house, which is fine for today. Tomorrow I MUST go to the store because I've now run out of everything. I'm going to hopefully get up super early and make a Trader Joe's run, to set myself up for basically the next month's worth of non-perishables.

And then I'm going to read a million pages for class and work out and be virtuous. That's the plan.

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