Sunday, September 9, 2007

Must be Homework Day

That is, since I'm posting more than once, this definitely means there are other things I am supposed to be doing, such as a gazillion pages of reading, ugh. I was so psyched to come back to school, and as far as actually being here with friends and all, I am glad, but the reality of classes and work is tough. It's a struggle to regain my attention span, although at the moment I am very caffeinated, so I just need to focus that energy onto the text book. Get off the internet!

I have been thinking about how slow my weight loss is going (scale has bounced back up 2.8 lb since the 5 lb loss I was seeing last week) and feeling a bit disappointed in myself, but truly I think I'm putting on muscle on this plan, and I'm losing in a responsible way. My legs definitely look more muscular, and although they're not where they were a year and a half ago (oh, those days were great) I'm working back up to that. I know if I cut my calories really low and did an hour and a half of cardio every day, I could drop weight super fast, but that's not really working with my schedule, and the weightlifting part is important. I cannot do an hour and a half of cardio plus 40 mins of weightlifting, and expect to pass any of my classes, or even make it to them.

Plus the bounce I saw on the scale today is pretty minor considering how much I ate and drank and wasn't hydrated this weekend, and the fact that I'm very menstrual right now. So, I'm hoping that this week of serious discipline (law firm lunches aside) will put me right back on track to see a really good loss by the time I get back from Boston this weekend. I'll probably end up having a cheat-ish meal on Friday night with my parents, but after my awesome self-control the last time I was home, I know I can handle this. It's just one night and one day at home, so I'll stay strong.

OK, back to the books, then I have a scheduled TV break in about 2 hours. Since there's nothing new on I think I'll catch up on some old shows online. I'm going to have to subscribe to Biggest Loser on iTunes when it starts up because I have a meeting on Tuesday nights!

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