Thursday, September 6, 2007

Day 19: ugggg.

Last night = 3 martinis, several delicious dumplings and a mini binge of hummus and bread. In other words, a slight breakdown in willpower, which spilled over into this morning. I didn't do my reading, I didn't get to the gym early in the morning (went this afternoon), I just drank too much and dished with best-friend-K and let loose. I am unenthused about responsibilities.

So, that happened. It wasn't a major calorie problem and I did get in my workout today, but I do kind of feel like a fuck-up about not doing my work. I just had no motivation to get it done. It's the first week of school, tomorrow's my birthday and I just wanted to chill out. I'm not going to beat myself up about it.

Oh, I also didn't go grocery shopping, which means that today I ate soydogs instead of having a protein shake and then had a clif builder bar for M5 just now instead of a real meal. I'm going to a fancy law firm dinner tonight (leaving as soon as I get showered and presentable) where the only vegetarian option is going to be mushroom risotto, and I had to specially request it so I didn't get stuck with steak. So, mushrooms and butter, not really on my favorites list since I'm a mushroom-hating near-vegan, so it shouldn't be too tough to eat the salad and any other vegetable option and ignore most of the risotto. Then come home and go shopping before my sister gets here, if there's time. Fortunately I live in the big city so the store's open 24 hrs.

Not much else to say. I'm worn out from all the stuff that's going on this week, and I'm looking forward to interviews being finito. I got my first job offer today and despite the fact that I think I'd rather be in Boston than NY, and this is an NY offer (at a firm I totally loved, but still NY), I'm tempted to just take it and cancel the rest to spare myself the exhaustion!

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