Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Day 38: Sickness not an option

For like the 8th time in the last 6 weeks I feel like I am getting sick. I am just too run down and stressed! Not good. Fortunately I have an immune system that could throttle a horse. Or some actual expression that makes sense...

So I'm drinking tea, wearing a scarf, and I let myself sleep in a bit. It is kind of silly, maybe, to be getting up super early to go to the gym for HIIT, since I can definitely make that happen any time of the day. It's just the weights that I have to do early (even though I don't want to) because any other time of day I go and can't get access to any of the stuff I need because it's so crowded. GOD I HATE THIS STUPID SCHOOL GYM. Anyway, the point of getting up early for HIIT, aside from ideas about cardio being best on an empty stomach, is to have some consistency about the times when I get up, so that it's not so impossible to get up early when I truly need to (MWF).

Today's my super busy day but thankfully it'll be over by 9 instead of being stuck at school until 11 like the last few weeks. Every other Tuesday will be a super late one and then the ones in the middle will only go til 9. So I will go to the gym at 9, which is not ridiculously late, and I will go to bed immediately when I get home, so as to make it possible to get up early and do weights tomorrow. My legs are screaming from the workout I did yesterday, hurrah. I did stiff-leg deadlifts for the first time in a while and it was great. I really wore out my hamstrings.

Alrighty, no more procrastination - it's reading time, then time for a zillion errands and school. Cannot wait until this week is over and then NO MORE INTERVIEWING, YAAAAY. I will have to go back to a couple places, I think, to make up my mind since at this point I feel really unsure about where I want to work. But I have high hopes about the interviews that are this week, and I have some very good options on the table. I pretty much can't go wrong, so it's not too too much to worry about.

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