Sunday, August 26, 2007


My weight bounced back up and is now giving me a reading 3 lb heavier than what it said a few days ago. I'm chalking it up to salty stuff yesterday, but this week I'm going to do my best to kick up the cardio. The BFL intervals stuff is mainly designed for guys who don't need a lot of cardio to burn off fat - successful ladies seem to be the ones who do a bit extra. So I'm going to add a stint on the elliptical to my bike intervals today and do that whenever I'm able to spare the time.

I just booked my hotel for my Boston interview trip next week, and although I suspect the "fitness facility" is probably a couple of dumbbells and a treadmill, I'll be on it. It's a very old hotel with a posh sounding name, but apparently the rooms are very tiny. Still, how fabulous! This is my first time staying in a hotel by myself, and the posh name definitely counts.

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