Sunday, August 26, 2007

Day 8: Pow!

20 mins hi-intensity intervals on the bike, 25 mins med-intensity on the elliptical

Very sweaty, very satisfying - I love that most of the kids aren't back to school yet so the gym is deserted all the time. Not going to be that way for long, I suspect.

And I am so hungry right now that I'm going to eat my own hand, but I'm going to stick it out and wait until 2:30 since that's when I told myself I'd be having my next meal, and I even kind of cheated by not having the last one until 1 instead of 12:30. So, yes, I can wait 90 minutes in between eating, even if I am hungry and there's delicious stuff in the fridge. The delicious stuff is all ON PLAN stuff that has to last a while, so I'm keeping my face out of it.

I have pretty much mapped out meals and activities for the week, including my ultra-masochistic FIVE job interviews that I have scheduled on Tuesday thru Friday. I'm going to do my best not to get freaked out when things get a little off track, but generally I built myself a pretty flexible schedule. I'm bringing almonds, pears, clif bars and vegan protein shakes so I'll be able to fill in the blanks with those, and my hotel has an Au Bon Pain in it so I'll be able to get those tasty and reasonably healthy (if you skip the cheese and eat half) Mediterranean wraps that I used to have for lunch a lot. I'm such a cheap date for all these law firms. I'm only going from NYC to Boston, much cheaper than if I were a west coast kid, I got an awesome bargain on my hotel, and I've planned out dinners for myself that run about $6. If I weren't dieting during this process I'm sure I'd gain 15 pounds. So, sticking to the plan, as much as possible, and definitely hitting the pathetic hotel fitness room daily. Or, if it's really bad, doing cardio intervals running past the posh people down Newbury Street. Now that's living!

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