Friday, August 24, 2007

Day 6

Never got around to finishing my post from yesterday, but it is Friday evening and I have survived (just about) the first week out of 12! Hooray. This was almost definitely the easiest one, because despite the stress and ridiculousness of my schedule, it was a fixed schedule and there were no temptations to go out to dinner or eat convenience food because I just couldn't and didn't have the easy foods in the house.

I had a bad attitude about going to they gym today, largely because right before I left I decided that I think the weird dry spot on my lip is going to turn into a cold sore, which if it does is going to be pretty tragic because (a) I've never had one and (b) I have job interviews next week AUGGGH! I'm trying to be chill about it since there's nothing I can do (besides take lysine supplements, which I just bought) and because stress is supposed to make it worse. So I'm applying SPF lip balm constantly, taking the lysine and coping. But I had it in my head that there was no option about the gym, just had to go, even though I was cranky and even though the only gym clothes left were the ones I hate. I really need to buy some more shorts since I'm not yet comfortable wearing the super short ones I used to wear sometimes.

Yesterday was pretty awesome. I did essentially nothing, and really enjoyed it. I had a few drinks at the end of the day, which I have kind of mixed feelings on when it comes to this dieting thing. I don't think I can commit to not drinking during the week at all, but I'm definitely limiting it to a glass or two of wine, or a martini, and it's getting counted in calories, obviously. Which means I'm eating a bit less, which means I'm getting drunk fast, so the glass of wine and the martini I had last night hit me pretty hard. I actually ended up eating a clif bar before bed just to soak up the alcohol, along with a ton of water, but I feel okay about how all of that went. I'm just not going to do it often.

Next week, the interview lunches start, which should be tough. The plan as of now is to get salads with dressing on the side, along with maybe a roll. That should be a reasonable meal for me, and I'm going to carry clif bars, almonds and pears to carry me through the long days of interviewing. The hardest part will just be feeling in control when I don't necessarily know what's coming next. And eating less than a whole portion when the only options available are not "clean" foods. But I'm going to get through it, and log it all, and keep writing here to keep myself on track. I'm doing AWESOME so far - in the past 5 days I seem to have lost about 3 and a half lb. So, I have to keep the faith and not let anything get me off track.

Tomorrow is my first free day, which is such an awesomely exciting prospect. I've never made it to this point before. I'm actually not craving anything except foccacia, which I'm not entirely sure I'm going to get, since the kind I like has cheese and I'm doing really well avoiding dairy. At the very least, I'm getting a little loaf of really good bread and some tomatoes and basil to have with it. Mmmmmm. Bread is my biggest craving of the week, and it was hard to walk by it at the farmer's market yesterday. I think I'll also be going out to dinner with my friend and her mom, so maybe I can get myself a little pasta or something equally delicious and sinful. Then it's back on track Sunday with some good food prep for the week ahead as well. I am almost 1/12 of the way through this journey, and I feel really great so far.

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