Monday, August 20, 2007

Day 2

I didn't get around to posting a second time yesterday (took a huge nap instead) but I do intend to post just about every day as I make my way through this challenge. Today was Day 2, which entailed on plan eating (hooray!) and an upper body weights workout (ouch!). I had planned on getting up super early but as is typical for me, I did not succeed. When I'm done with this week of law firm interviews, I am going to make a bigger effort to do all my BFL workouts in the morning, since I won't have to be anyplace until around 11 on most days. But this week is still chaos and trying to find a job and trying to locate my missing zillion pairs of nylons, so I am ok with doing stuff at night sometimes.

This morning I woke up feeling awesome. I feel like I have a sense of purpose, partly because of the careers stuff that's going on but also because I'm committing a lot of effort to doing this fitness stuff. I've been in a rut for the past oh, 5 months, due to a variety of frustrating circumstances and some anxiety issues that pop up now and then. But moving back to my school apartment last week and refocusing on school is helping in a major way. I feel at home here for maybe the first time. So, hooray for that, and hooray for putting a bad few months behind me. In 2 and a half weeks I turn 25, and I have a very, very good feeling about this year.

Day 2 summary:

workout: upper body
M1: kashi cereal, blueberries
M2: almonds (pear was supposed to go here)
M3: veggie & hummus sandwich, carrots, pear (from M2)
M4: rice & beans salad
M5: 1/2 sweet potato, tempeh, broccoli, salsa
M6: 1/2 sweet potato, tempeh, broccoli, salsa
water: 2L so far (not enough!)

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