Thursday, August 30, 2007

Day 12: Beantown

I was pleasantly surprised this morning to find that the "health club" at my hotel is actually pretty decent, and that it was in use by quite a few people at 6:30 am. I was able to get in and get on a bike for HIIT, which was pretty great and intense. Then I hopped on a precor for 30 mins of low/med sustained state, which like usual was kind of tedious and I didn't feel like doing it, but I had my headphones and tv news without sound, and it's not like I had anything else going on. We'll see how the weight training goes tomorrow, but they had a fair amount of equipment so I think I can deal with it.

My goal for this trip is to come back weighing the same as when I left or less, and without any big regrets. I can already see and feel a bit of a change in my thighs, which are the first place I put weight back on and my general most hated body part. (I almost always wear skirts so that I don't have to see the actual outlines of my thighs.) So, I've got my food that I brought with me, though I forgot the soy milk so I have to pick some up this afternoon to make the soy protein shakes I brought. Also, as long as I'm making a supermarket run I'll probably pick up some fruit for M2, which at this point is just going to be almonds for the next couple days. And I will hopefully have a salad or something equally light at interview lunches today and tomorrow.

Free day is going to be interesting. It is optional of course, and I'm going to try not to indulge, but maybe I will angle for a birthday lunch and have that be my free meal. Next weekend is my birthday so temptation will be out of control, and my free day is going to be switched to Friday, with no holds barred: tasty birthday dinner, followed by lots of drinks, vegan birthday cake,
and you know there's a chance I'll end up at my favorite late-night munchie spot. My sister has been informed that all the rest of the time I'm sticking to the diet, and she's very fitness-conscious as well, so probably she'll support me on it and if not she knows she has to deal with her own food.

OK, time to hop in the shower and get ready for a very tiring day of interviewing, oy! I stayed up late reading, which is probably bad since all it has is bad news about everyplace and now I feel like there's no place for me to work. But I looooved the place I interviewed at yesterday, so there is a chance for me, I think.

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