Monday, August 27, 2007

Off Track?

I squeezed in a long walk last night, which had my old bones pretty tired by the end - a good sign, I think. And then I came home with my friend, and proceeded to drink a lot of wine. I replaced Meal 6 with 2.5 glasses of wine and a bit of popcorn. The calories balance out, more or less, but I felt bad about it... It doesn't help that the scale hasn't yet gotten back to the awe-inspiring point it was at on Thursday last week. I have to kind of accept that that low was just a fluctuation and stop freaking out about it. This process is kind of nerve-wracking, especially because I'm working hard at building muscle, so the weight loss might be slow because of that. I haven't been taking my body fat measurement every day, but I'll have to keep track of that and hopefully see some movement.

Plan for today - LBWO, 25-30 mins on elliptical, eating clean and no drinking and early to bed!

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