Saturday, August 25, 2007

About Me

I'm feeling as though the time is right for the obligatory bit of autobiographical information, just in case I manage to integrate myself into the blogging community, and also for posterity.

As the sidebar helpfully points out, my name is Rosalie. I'm a law student in New York City, about to begin my second year, and I'll be 25 in just under two weeks. I moved here from Chicago, which in my opinion is the eating capital of America. Originally I'm from New England, which is a wonderful place to grow up and a likely contender for where I'll go after this.

I come from a chubby family - there are a variety of reasons why this is true, but to the credit of my parents, I will say, I grew up in a house where almost without exception, they would never, ever say anything derogatory about my weight or my completely sedentary, indoor-kid lifestyle. Although, looking back I kind of wish someone had pointed it out to me that when I was 13 and we moved to a town where I no longer walked 2 miles round trip to get to school every day, I must have gained 20-30 lb in a year. I honestly didn't notice. Maybe it was later that I gained it - I stayed more or less the same clothing size from then until college but probably the clothes got tighter, and I definitely wore my stretched-out jeans until they disintegrated because I was scared to shop for new ones. 8th to 9th grade was when I got to be around the size that I stayed until 2 years ago. That was when the weight loss light bulb went on for me. I had fallen in love, and joined a gym, and my kitchen was the site of a few roach sightings so I was hesitant to go near it. I worked out like a madwoman, and loved every second of it. I lost 30 pounds and felt amazing. Then, law school.

Actually, it started last summer when I quit the gym and took a few trips to lands where vegetables are basically unheard of (Newfoundland, Estonia). I drank a lot of beer, I didn't exercise, I ate as much cheese as my lactose-sensitive stomach could bear. But then I got to law school and it was really stressful - go figure. I had intended to spend lots of time in the gym and to pack myself healthy lunches every day. I did ok with lunches, but the gym was a no-go because I was too busy freaking out about school and the long-distance relationship and all that to do much besides read, take baths, drink wine and eat chocolate. Don't even get me started on the unhealthy coping mechanisms that got me through finals, a bad bout of depression and anxiety and a painful breakup 3 weeks before finals in the spring. So, in my first year I gained back 15 pounds. That's where I was as of last week when I kicked this challenge into gear.

I started reading fitness blogs at some point while I was working at my meaningless, boring job in Chicago, and I got hooked. There is so much information out there, and it's so easy to find! I read John Stone Forum and a couple of other sites religiously and absorbed it all. I read a few books, one of which was Body For Life, the program I'm following now. Overall, what I've learned is that ANY reasonable fitness and diet program works great if you actually follow it - it's simplistic to say that, but it's true. Discipline is the key, and without it you've got nothing. So that's what I'm focusing on. I've got a schedule every day and I refer to it all day, checking off each meal, workout, errand, etc. Can you tell I'm a virgo?

At this point in my life, I feel more powerful and in control than I ever have. I'm kicking ass in law school, I'm in the process of finding myself a really excellent job for next summer, and I'm feeling almost none of the anxiety that was paralyzing me six months ago (and without medication, though that's an option I haven't eliminated if it comes back). I'm young and single in the city, about to start a great year, and I'm working my ass off in the gym. I have the life that everyone wants, so it's time to start f'ing living it, eh?! I am very excited about what the next 11 weeks and the next many years have in store. I hope I have the same level of enthusiasm when this challenge is over - only time will tell.

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