Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Day 46: Damn Doctor

I missed my UBWO this morning because I had a doctor's appt (annual thing to get my birth control renewed) at 9:20 am. I didn't get up until 7:15, at which point it just seemed like I wouldn't have time to work out, shower and get over there in time. But when I went over there, they told me I signed up for the wrong appointment and would have to come back. Ugggh. In the real world of grownups, you don't sign up for your doctor's appointment online and have them not know what you're there for when you show up. You call and talk to someone who asks you why the hell you are in. Jesus H. So, I will go back on Friday, and I'll do my workout in the tiny window of time this afternoon between my last class and the law firm dinner I'm going to.

Somehow it seems as though diet & exercise only get under control when EVERYTHING ELSE is totally out of control. I'm kind of flailing around not doing what I need to do for school and job stuff. I guess I always feel this way on Wednesday mornings though since Tuesdays leave me so exhausted and I have no time at the end of the day to do anything productive. I got home at 10:30 last night, talked to K on the phone for a few minutes then collapsed into bed.

Today, I'm on track with eating, I'll get my workout in somehow (damn it!) and I must, must, must do laundry. I'm down to the last of the most hated gym clothes, and tomorrow I'll be doing HIIT naked if I don't manage to wash some stuff. Not sure when it'll happen, but I guess it means I better haul ass back from my dinner, since the laundry room closes at 10:30. Why does everyone have to conspire to make my life so hard?!

This weekend: so productive. I'm not drinking, so that means I'd better be reading. I must catch up in my classes, since my super intense 3 weeks seminar starts next Monday. So, I will be hiding in my room and/or the library starting around 3 pm Friday, until about 9 am Monday.

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