Friday, October 5, 2007

Day 48: Go Sox

Well, I slept in till 8 this morning, which means I did not make it to my early morning weights workout - I have to be at school by 9:40 for journal crap that's going to take most of the day. Then I've got my rescheduled doctor's appointment (yay birth control) and I'm heading over to the health food store to pick up some nutritional yeast for experiments in faux cheese making, and for pesto tonight.

So it's not looking like I'll make it over there today, but I'm thinking tomorrow I can do both Wednesday's lower body workout and today's upper body workout. And then I'll come home and sleep for a year. This weekend I need to get it together and catch up in all my classes before I go to WV and get behind all over again. Today I'm going to conquer international law, tomorrow admin, Sunday copyright. Or something like that...

Not much else to say. I've eaten some bad stuff this week, including chocolate last night after stuffing myself on delicious wonderful soba noodles. Bad bad bad. But at least I didn't drink - it was hard, but K was hungover and I was determined. So, no drinking.

Today's plan
m1: kashi go-lean crunch, froz blueberries
m2: sandwich, carrots
m3: almonds, apple or pear
m4: soy protein shake
m5: spaghetti squash with artichoke pesto & veggies, tempeh
m6: unsure, probably 2 beers in a bar watching the Red Sox
workout: if time stops for a couple hours I'll make it to the gym, otherwise putting it off til tomorrow

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