Thursday, October 4, 2007

Day 47: WTF?

Well, I didn't make it to the gym yesterday for my weights stuff. And then I didn't get up and go early this morning, for no particular reason except it was dark and I didn't feel like it.

Come on! What is my problem!?

I guess the problem is that I am feeling crappy this week. I'm tired, I've had a sore throat, I'm just really worn down. I fell asleep yesterday afternoon and missed a class. My hardest class, where I have no freaking clue what is going on. I should probably be doing the reading and going more. It's just like civ pro all over again, but I'd like to pull it together while I have the chance and not get a crappy grade like I did in civ pro. Oy.

Today's the end of my week, more or less, and I'm bummed out probably because it's also the middle of PMS-o-rama, which always brings me down. Oh and at the law firm dinner last night, which I forgot about until the last minute, I ate a big pile of cheese, and then was in ridiculous pain, and now I'm all farty. Gross.

Plan for today - try and hold it together, lady! I have my first yoga sculpt class today, so I'm going to do some cardio after that - ideally HIIT, but if my limbs are falling off it'll probably be more in the LISS category. And then tomorrow, I guess I'll do yesterday's workout, since it's not good to go all week without doing lower body.

Goddamn! I wasn't going to miss any workouts this week! And I wasn't going to drink, but I only had one and a half (huge) glasses of white wine last night. Why am I such a failure?! Why is my life so hard?! Why do I have to be so ridiculously dramatic and exclamatory all the time!?!?!?!?!

Today's menu:
m1: kashi go-lean crunch w/frozen blueberries
m2: pear, almonds
m3: sandwich, carrots
m4: protein shake
m5: soba w/tofu and asparagus (really this time)
m6: soba w/tofu and asparagus
workout: yoga sculpt, followed by cardio

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