Saturday, October 20, 2007

Day ??: Jeeeeepers

Well. I haven't been working out and having been eating like a hyperactive kid on crack. So, that's what's been happening in all this time.

I've been stressed out, to say the least - there was a weekend of awesomeness in between where I went to West Virginia and visited my favorite ladies, and that I will say was totally worth the out of control stress level I seem to be dealing with now. But today, I feel good about today. I'm working on the eating part first, and tomorrow I'm going back to the gym. Weeks 10-12 are going to be kickass, and I'm going to look amazing for the Nov 10 wedding. And sometime in the middle there I'll get around to buying a dress with all the money I don't have. Oy vey!

Still, my fridge is full of fresh delicious veggies, I'm fully caffeinated, and I've gotten a bit of work done today. Hallelujah, being virtuous can feel so good.

Plan for today: do lots of homework, don't get drunk, eat vegetables!

M1: heart-healthy cereal (some new thing I tried from FreshDirect, not bad); strawberries; coffee
M2: 2 Yves GoodDogs, 2 slices of multi-grain bread
M3: roasted pepper & alfalfa sprout sandwich, carrot sticks (yes, a lot of bread so far today)
M4: soy protein shake (hope my soy milk is still good...)
M5: swiss chard, garlicky mashed potatoes, baked tofu
M6: swiss chard, garlicky mashed potatoes, baked tofu

Go, go go! You can do it!

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